Monday, August 18, 2008


Surely your cardiologist holds a theory about the cause of heart disease.
Ask your doctor whether his theory can answer the following questions:
  1. Why do gorillas and other primates suffer heart disease similar to humans, but other species don't?

  2. Why does atheriosclerotic plaque form only in arteries, (blood flowing from the heart), and not in veins, (blood flowing to the heart)?

  3. Why does the atherosclerotic plaque form in arteries close to or on the surface of the heart, but not INSIDE the heart?

  4. Why aren't infarctions common in the blood stream where the blood pools or moves slowly, such as in arteries of the ears, fingers or nose?

  5. Why do more than 50% of the heart attack and strokes occur in people without any accepted cardiovascular risk factors?

  6. Why do people with low cholesterol still suffer heart attacks and stroke?

  7. Why do about half of the surgical heart procedures fail? (In other words, why do the plaques grow back with a vengeance?)

  8. What did the cardiovascular mortality rate decline by almost half in the 1970s, after Linus Pauling's Vitamin C book become a best seller?

  9. Why is cholesterol elevated in heart patients?

  10. Why have major cholesterol-drug studies not released the raw data to scientists?

  11. Why do drug companies routinely cut studies short just after mortality in the study groups begins to rise?

  12. Why hasn't medical science investigated the Pauling/Rath theory?

The answers to these questions and more can be found in Practicing Medicine Without A License? The Story of the Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease., a new book which explains the Pauling/Rath unified theory. Read more about this book here .

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