Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Will Whole Foods Move Back to its Organic Roots?

“In a campaign called "Let's Retake Our Plates!" Whole Foods rails against the way food scientists have created fake food and turned generations of innocent Americans into "walking food science experiments," writes BNET, noting that:

“The campaign is clearly a response to criticism the chain has taken for becoming what critics contend is a corporate sellout.

The new campaign highlights Whole Foods' long-standing rigorous policies, such as barring from the store any artificial ingredients, antibiotics and hormones in meat and unsustainable seafood.

But what the extensive web site and the call-to-arms campaign neglect to mention is that some of those very "walking food science experiments" appear on shelves at Whole Foods. Last summer, CEO John Mackey admitted that the company he helped create now sells "a bunch of junk."Read more...

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