Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Preliminary study finds nutritional supplement plus testosterone may help keep seniors out of the hospital

A report published in the March, 2009 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition described a study conducted by researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia which found that a combination of testosterone and an oral nutritional supplement may have kept previously undernourished older individuals out of the hospital.

Forty-nine men and women aged sixty-five and older whose nutritional assessment scores categorized them as undernourished were provided with advice on improved dietary intake and were assigned one of the following regimens: oral testosterone undecanoate (80 milligrams twice per day for men and 40 milligrams per day for women), an oral nutritional supplement consisting of 18 percent protein, both testosterone and the nutritional supplement, or no treatment for one year. Participants received regular home visits during which weight, dietary and medication compliance and other factors were assessed. Continue Reading

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